Marine Resources Committee – June 9, 2016

June 9, 2016
Members present: Dennis Desilvey, Chairman, Bill Sweetland, Ben Astbury

Members excused, Pete Douvarjo, John Higgins

Duane Ford – Deputy Harbormaster

Guests: Neil Davis, Colby Pert

Meeting called to order at 1700

Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and approved

Dock Project: Duane Ford presented the current status of the dock project. He has met with the
engineer and reviewed the current plans for the dock. In order to avoid a lengthy permitting process for
the new dock, the footprint of the new dock will have to retain the lines of the present dock. There was
discussion of how that would impact the use of the dock, specifically fuel truck pulling down to the dock
and the conclusion was to go with the current plan for the meeting were the plans will be reviewed by
the public.

This meeting will be held on June 22 at 1700

Mooring and dinghy permits: Current paid mooring and dinghy permits were reviewed. There was
discussion of who would be responsible for informing persons who have not paid their mooring and
dinghy fees. At present the expectation is that mooring and dinghy fees will be paid by July 1. There
needs to be a way to request that persons not paying by then who have boats in the harbor pay the
resident or non-resident fee as appropriate.

Neil Davis suggested that this be viewed much the same as Town taxes and that there will always be
some who do not pay their taxes and if necessary foreclosure is a consideration. This will be discussed
further at this next meeting of the committee.

Discussion followed regarding the land that is currently used for parking for the town dock. This land is
in a 100 lease from the current owners. An effort will be made by the committee chair to contact the
current owners and see if they would be willing to consider selling the parking area covered by the lease
to the town to secure continued use of the area.

There being no further discussion the meeting concluded at 1805

The next meeting will be July 14, 2016 at 1700

Dennis DeSilvey Chair and recording secretary.