Marine Resources Committee – August 2017

AUGUST 3, 2017
Members present: Dennis DeSilvey, Eric Sass, Steve Blaisdel, Colby Pert, Selectman
Absent: Pete Douvarjo, Bill Sweetland, Brian Tripp
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved
The new dinghy fees were approved with the change that the dinghy fee for Brooklin residents will be
$100. The Selectmen will also reach out to the Brooklin Selectmen for consideration of a common
harbor ordinance for the Benjamin Harbor mooring field.
Discussion follow regarding dinghies on the dock which are apparently abandoned including one
inflatable and a Walker Bay dinghy that is filled with water. It was recommended that the Harbor
Master be asked if those dinghies could be removed and placed on the shore.
There has also been considerable trash around the can and a second can was recommended.
It was recommended that a fish cleaning table be built on the float near the ladder as people have
complained about fish entrails being left on the float.
Steve Blaisdel discussed the permitting process for the shore line stabilization project. Drawings are
being developed as well as the specifications and Dwayne ford will be bringing the application to the
DEP and supporting their visit to review the plans. The hope is to keep the cost around $10000 and
obtain some of the needed stone from Freshwater Stone
The size of the float at the end of the dock was discussed. Dennis DeSilvey will discuss the possible size
with Billy Grant.
The meeting was adjourned at 1800
Note that a covered bulletin board for the dock has been approved by the selectmen.
The next meeting will be September 7th, 2017
Dennis DeSilvey, Chair and Recording Secretary