Selectmen’s Minutes October 10, 2013

October 10, 2013

1) Opened the meeting and established a quorum at 6:25 pm.  Selectmen present:  Neil Davis and Victor Smith.  Also present:  Robert Jones, CEO Duane Ford, Reporter Bette Britt, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle

2) Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting 2-0.

3) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $5,649.62; $3,430.50 was for the annual audit, and $156.95 was for general assistance, replaced road signs were $100.85.

4) There was no comment from the public.  

5) OLD BUSINESS:  computer system:  three of the computers in the office are XPs, which are no  longer upgradable.  They need to be replaced.
Haskell Electric:  Davis will contact to see when they will be back to do more work.
Town Dock:  Smith will follow up on what work needs to be done and the grant.
Tax reassessment:  RJD assessors are working nearly every day.  They are about 1/3 done.
Polka Valley property:  in process.
Special town meeting:  signed the warrant to be posted for Oct. 24 at 6 pm in the Town Office.
Additions to website:  Webmaster Tina Brown is working on it.

6) NEW BUSINESS:  We need a handrail on the cellar steps.  Smith will take care of it.
Insurance requirements:  GFI on panel in cellar – Davis  Cover on sump pump – cellar upgrades planned.  Injury log and certifications for town agents – harbormaster, animal control officer, road commissioner and road crew, etc..  Emergency lights, and a cage around the cellar light.

7) CEO REPORT: Checked Fred Marston’s cutting and pronounced it perfect.
A 2-story addition in the shoreland zone, a pre-application conference on the cell tower addition, a great deal of research on language for the ordinances.  Suggested a raise for the CEO and the selectmen because of the time commitment for each of the jobs is nearly full-time now.
Selectmen and CEO have complaints, and have received complaints, about truck brake noises on Rte 15 very early in the morning.

8) Supportive comments from Mr. Jones (the public).

9)   There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm; reconvened at 7:38 pm for the selectmen to sign the special town meeting warrant.  Adjourned again at 7:40 pm.

Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman