Minutes of the Planning Board, June, 11, 2013


Planning Board members present: Chairman John Allen, Secretary Sylvia Wardwell, Michael Rossney, Peter Neil, Alternate Peter Atherton

Also present:  CEO Duane Ford, Glenith Gray, Doug McMillan, Sally Taylor, Selectman Neil Davis, Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle

Map 2, Lot 38-1-14 (excepted Lot 3) – Grayfield Subdivision – Gray wishes to take the subdivision out of subdivision status. She has been asked to write out a statement  requesting the withdrawal.  As soon as the official paperwork has been done at the Registry of Deeds, the Board has approved the withdrawal.  Voted 5-0 to approve.

Map 13, Lot 22 –  Sedgwick Store at 40 Main St. – Being changed to a single family dwelling.  CEO has approved the activity in the shoreland zone.  They do need a permit.  After reviewing the plans, Neil made the motion to issue them a permit, Rossney 2nd the motion.  Permit fee of $45 paid, building notification of $5 also paid.

Map 3, Lot 31 – Ben Webb wants to build a shed to the side of his shop.  After checking the plans and photos , a permit was issued.  $5 building notification  fee paid.

CEO report – information is back and forth with the Patten/4 Winds case.  An offer have been made and a counteroffer made with questions.  No answer has been received since the last communication in April.  Our lawyer is suggesting mediation.

The Board is going to review and possibly revise the Site Plan Review Ordinance.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.

Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen