Selectmen’s Minutes January 12, 2023

Select Board Meeting
January 12, 2023

Called the meeting to order and declare a quorum at 6pm.

Members in attendance: Michael Sheahan, Colby Pert, Ben Astbury (by conference call). Also present: Duane Ford, Donna Beninati, David Carter. By conference call: Jerry Wetterskog

No minutes to approve from meeting on 1/5. Will approve next week.

CEO Report: 1/06/2023 to 1/12/2023
01/09/2023: Everett from ME Astbury called for me to come right over to Franks Flats to inspect the septic system being installed at Pelte lot. Got over there around 11:30 and did inspection. Large crew working at site. Large job.

01/09/2023: Person called (460-2944) about 138 Sedgwick Ridge Rd to request DHS property inspection. Wanted electrical, heating, interior (fire damaged) and all factors inspected and a letter prepared to DHS.

01/09/2023: Joel Turgo, real estate broker from Portland called and wanted the “code file” on 131 Walter Green Rd that has old trailer, well and septic on about 29 acres. Talked to him again and he was still trying to find the septic system record.

01/10/2023: Had woman call from 6 White Noise Way off Ridge Rd? She had major propane issues and so forth and thought the Town could be the answer to her issues with propane dealer and installation and so forth. Informed her that it was not a town issue.

01/12/2023: Melanie Hazard 460-3740 of 833 Ridge Rd checked in to have Versant Power pole form signed. Had been left at town office with no contact or info of any kind. Went over to office and Mr. Hazard came in and got signed form.

01/12/2023: Did two-hour DEP Shoreland Zone update seminar and got re-certification credits.


Audit Preparation Progress: Ben will call for an update on Monday. No progress from last week.

Community Resilience Grant: The Sedgwick Community Resilience Committee is working on assembling information to apply for a grant through the state’s Community Resilience Partnership Program. David Carter discussed quotes received from John Gray Plumbing and Heating to install heat pumps in both fire stations. Michael Sheahan arranged a meeting with MAC Heat Pumps to visit the town office and both fire stations on 1/19 and a meeting with CJ Insulation on 1/27 to look at the town office basement for insulation.

Warrant Article Workshop: Discussed the addition of two warrant articles involving the use of American Rescue Plan Act funds. Ben will contact Bill Cohen about the transferal of ARPA funds currently in the account of the Rural Broadband Access Committee. Discussed an article asking for funds to develop a revision of Sedgwick’s comprehensive plan.

Colby Pert made a motion to support the comprehensive plan process. Seconded by Sheahan. All in favor. Astbury makes a comment to support the revision of the comprehensive plan following a budget committee recommendation to do so.

Duane Ford suggests changing building notification fee to $10. Warrant article for this.

Ben was approached by Lyndsey Dow, clerk and tax collector in Blue Hill, about the possibility of helping Sedgwick’s new tax collector, Robin Colburn, with training. Ben will discuss with Lyndsey and Robin about possibilities, and tell her the Sedgwick select board is interested, and appreciates the offer for help.

Sheahan will contact Budget Committee about setting a date to attend a select board meeting.

Adjourned at 7:03