Planning Board Minutes, 12 April, 2022

12 April 2022 Planning Board Minutes

Called to order: 19:02

Members present: David Carter, Peter Neill, John Woodward, Alt. Michael Rossney, Richard Doane, Alt. Andy Bowes

Others present: CEO Duane Ford

Voted to appoint Michael Rossney as chairman for this meeting.

Acting chairman Rossney stated that there was a quorum.

Motion made and seconded to accept March 2022 minutes as read. Motion passed.

Old Business:
Discussion of comprehensive plan being in need of updates. Board to review.

Borreggo Solar project has started.

New business:
Diane Santispago (The Maine Lobster Lady) Map 2 Lot 32 the former Mariners Pub would like to open take out restaurant and place 2 campers on site from June 1 to October 15. Septic adequate for waste disposal. Discussion whether needs to be change of use. CEO feels that it is not a change of use. Board asked applicant to provide a brief description of project, septic plan and drawings of plan.

Motion made and seconded to ask selectmen to appoint the two alternates to full members. Motion passed.

Motion made and seconded to choose a chairman for each meeting until a permanent chairman is chosen. Motion passed.

CEO Report:
Walker Pond property owners adjacent to town landing plan to build new home away from pond. DEP issued permit by rule for boardwalk to pond. Existing camp to be raised up. All other construction will be out of shoreland zone.

Several other projects are ongoing on the pond.

Complaint about TNT Auto Salvage.

Black Pond issue discussed.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn. Motion passed. Adjourned at 20:52.

Respectfully submitted,
David A. Carter