Dog Licenses
2024 dog licenses are available from the clerk. By state law, all dogs over 6 months of age must be licensed.
The clerk is at the office Wed., 12-5, and Thurs., 12-7. For other arrangements, feel free to call or email: 359-2275, 326-9012, 610-0585, or
Please bring proof of neutering or spaying and the current rabies vaccination certificate. Spayed/neutered dog licenses cost $6, while licenses for dogs who have not been spayed or neutered are $11.
Veterinarians provide lists to the state of dogs they have vaccinated against rabies; those lists are turned over to each town. Owners of unlicensed dogs on those lists may receive letters notifying them that dogs must be licensed.
The clerk must provide a list of unlicensed dogs to the animal control officer. The animal control officer MUST give notice to people with unlicensed dogs. Please avoid the late fee of $25, and notices from the ACO, by licensing your dog before January 31.
To read the relevant law, click links below:
Sedgwick residents can also now license their dogs online (for the regular fee, plus $1) at