Planning Board Meeting, 14 September, 2021

14 September 2021


Planning Board Minutes


Called to order: 19:03


Members present: (by teleconference and at town office due to COVID 19) David Carter, Peter Neill, Richard Doane, Chairman Danny Weed, Alt. Andy Bowes, John Woodward


Others present: CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Robert Publicover


Chairman Weed stated that there was a quorum


Motion made and seconded to accept August 2021 minutes as read. Motion passed.


Old Business:


Discussion about proposed changes to Shoreland Zoning Ordinance and Site Plan Review. Will get proposed changes to selectmen for future town meeting.



New business:




CEO Report:


Letter from selectmen delivered to Strong Brewing Company stating that permit will not signed until parking issue on Rope Ferry Road taken care of.


Motion made and seconded to adjourn. Motion passed. Adjourned at 19:55.


Respectfully submitted,

David A. Carter