Selectmen’s Minutes, May 14, 2009




Thursday, May 14, 2009


Selectmen present:  Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger


Also present:  John Farraday, Dr. Wilgram, Bette Britt from the Weekly Packet, Cindy Reilly, Barbara Grindle


1)                  Mr Farraday presented the selectmen with two Blue Spruce seedlings in celebration of Earth Day from the Bagaduce Watershed Association. 


2)                  Dr Wilgram wished to be brought up to date on the Walker Pond situation since he has been gone most of the winter. 


3)                  Bill Jagger moved that we approve the appraiser, Norman Goseline, to appraise the Walker Pond road as soon as Brooksville agrees.  Mr Patterson was appraised of the approval.


4)                  Signed the warrant of $63,974.18, $ 50,599.17 was for school expenses.


5)                  Approved the minutes of the last meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.


                        Respectfully Submitted

                        Barbara Grindle, Assistant