Selectmen’s Minutes, June 21, 2012




June 21, 2012


Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith


Also present:  Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Dr. Wilgram


1)         Read and accepted the minutes of the last meeting.


2)         Signed the treasurer’s warrant in the amount of  $13,044.16, $1,449 for tar, $3,540 for road work on the Old County Rd, $4,065 for 3 sets of turnout gear for the fire department.


3)         Dr. Wilgram registered a citizens complaint against several jet skis on Walker Pond.  He was referred to the Inland and Fisheries Department as the water on Walker Pond is state territory.


4)         There is still a citizen dispute on the Carter Point Road.


5)         The assessor’s agent, Matt Caldwell, must wait for the owner of the 4 Winds property to be present before doing the assessment of the property.


6)         CEO Ford has started the permit work for the guard shack on Walker Pond.


7)         Davis will contact Andrew McCullough to see if another permit by rule is needed for construction of a walking bridge or if it is covered in the ones that we have already.


8)         Contract signed with James Wadman for town auditing.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.


                        Victor Smigh, 3rd Selectman