Planning Board Minutes, September 9, 2014



September 9, 2014


            The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Allen at 7 pm with a quorum present.  Planning Board members present were:  Chairman John Allen, Michael Rossney, Robert Jones, Peter Neill, Richard Duffy, and Peter Atherton, Alternate.  Also present were:  Selectmen Victor Smith and Nelson Grindal, CEO Duane Ford, and Secretary Barbara Grindle.


            NEW BUSINESS:  There was no new business.


            OLD BUSINESS:  Neill made the motion and Rossney seconded the motion to discuss the application of Steve Thoner’s 12’ x 14’ garage at the Granite Shop.  The garage is to house his personal vehicles, but is on the Granite Shop property.  It was decided that the garage should be considered part of the commercial property and would require a permit from the planning board.  It was moved, seconded and voted 4 – 1 (Allen) to give him a permit.  The fee for the permit will be $50.  He has a building notification to do the ground work while he is been away.

            There was also some discussion on procedures for applications.  The planning board will accept applications for review and take them up at the next meeting, usually the next month.

            The selectmen also notified the members that if there are any changes in the ordinances that need to be made, they need to be presented at least by the first on January so that they may be ready for the annual town report.  Any such changes must go before the  taxpayers for approval at the annual town meeting in March.


            CEO REPORT:  Work is being done on the location of the Hunneman property.  The contractor is not sure what the building is going to be used for, but possibly to house “some antique hand-pump fire engines”.  Ford is tracking progress.


            ADJOURN:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.


                                    Barbara Grindle, Secretary