Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Oct. 23, 2008

Town of Sedgwick Maine

Selectmen’s Meeting

October 23, 2008  Thursday 6:30PM   

Selectmen present:  Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants:  Selectmen’s assistant Barbara Grindle and Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly. 

  1. Approved the minutes of the October 21, 2008 selectmen’s meeting.


  1. Selectmen signed the 2008 Municipal valuation return which is required by the sate by November 1st of each year.


  1. Approved the treasurer’s warrant #17, in the amount of $8,042.37.

 The meeting was adjourned at 8:10PM.  

Respectfully submitted,   

Tom O'Connor