Selectmen’s Minutes, March 20, 2014
March 20, 2014
Opened the meeting and established a quorum. Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith. Also present: Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Hendrick Gideonse, Gardner Schneider, Robert Jones, Fire Chief David Carter, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle.
Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $138,569.05: education was $120,231.54, fourth payment for the reassessment of $8,300, and $2,492.46 for a propane heater in the Town House.
TREASURER’S, ETC. BUSINESS: Moved and seconded to return the bill for $70 and appeal it. Voted 3-0 not to pay the bill from the ME Bureau of Labor Standards.
Tax Collector would like to have the old shades replaced with blinds in their office. Moved and seconded to put blinds in the tax collector/treasurer/clerk’s office. Voted 3-0 to purchase blinds.
PUBLIC BUSINESS; Schneider asked if the selectmen had considered the possible ramifications of getting a grant for the town dock. They have done so.
Gideonse talked to the selectmen about creating a charter commission for the Hancock County Commissioners.
OLD BUSINESS: Haskell Electric: Working on the lights in the cellar.
Town Dock: Insurance adjuster and selectmen met and inspected the dock. There are planks to be replaced and then all will be well.
Tax Reassessment: The assessing agents are working on the cost valuations.
Polka Valley property: Davis to contact G.M.Allen with a price.
Cellar: Finishing up – Lights being put up, furnace room walls being fixed, fuel lines being inspected and shelving for boxes being built.
NEW BUSINESS: Gideonse had made his presentation regarding the charter commission.
Fire Chief Carter asked about the Mill Pond Access. They would like to access it for water in case of a fire in the area. Grindal will continue the talk with the owners and the Public Access Committee regarding the access.
Reported that Eric Allen has been asked to lay out the lines at Walker Pond with his GPS. At least one selectman will accompany him.
CEO REPORT: 1) He is keeping an eye on the drainage at the Pressman property. 2) At a training session he learned that many towns in the state are charging between 5 and 8 cents per foot for building notifications, depending on the type of construction. Currently we charge $5 for any construction. 3) The comprehensive plan is only good for 12 years before needing to be updated. Ours was passed in 1993. Perhaps this should be the next project for the planning board?
ADJOURN: There being no further business, the motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 7:50 pm. Voted 3-0 to adjourn.
Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman