Selectmen’s minutes for January 9,2014



January 9, 2014


Opened the meeting at 6 pm and established that there was a quorum present.  Present were selectmen Neil Davis and Victor Smith.  Also present were Treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Duane Ford, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Reporter Bette Britt, Assistant Barbara Grindle, budget committee members Bill Pettingill and Paul Trowbridge, joined later by Horace Wardwell, and Robert Jones.


Read the minutes of the last meeting, and amended the minutes of December 19, 2013 to read “The tax collector presented the selectmen with a proposal to double her hours to 40 and double her wages to $40,000 plus fees.  Approved the amended minutes and also the minutes of January 2, 2014.


Signed treasurer’s warrants for December 23, January 2, and January 9.


OLD BUSINESS:  Computer System:  We will all get together on Wednesday, January 15, for installation and training on the new computer system.


The cellar floor has been poured and contractor Andy Gray requested that the selectmen join him there.  He made his report to them on the new floor. 


The town report is being done as material come in.


No report on the ordinance changes. 


The Budget Committee is seeing the budget for the first time.  They went over the municipal budget, looked at the charitable contribution list, and decided to meet in two weeks, hopefully for the school budget.


The road commissioner wants a salt/sand shed for next winter.  People have been using his loader machine to take salt and sand from the sand pile.  The loader is his property, not the town’s.  The sand is provided by him as part of his contract, but is owned by him.  The salt is provided by the town.  There is no objection to people taking one or two 5-gallon buckets of sand to use at home, but no one has the right to take pickup truck loads of salted sand without permission from the contractor and his equipment should never be used without his permission.  He reports that between his sand and the town’s salt, approximately $3,000 has been lost by the town. 


CEO Report.  Reported that the cell tower on Caterpillar Hill appears to be in the process of being sold again.  Will keep the selectmen informed as to the process.  He is working with the prospective owners.


There were no public comments.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:43 pm.


                                    Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman