Selectmen’s Minutes, December 12, 2013
December 12, 2013
Opened the meeting at 6 pm with a quorum present. Selectmen present:
Neil Davis, Nelson, Grindal, Victor Smith. Also present were: Treasurer
Cindy Reilly, CEO Duane Ford, and Assistant Barbara Grindle.
Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $64,345.97; school expenses were
$56,483.12, salt for the roads $1920.35, a new toilet for the office
$942.22 (repairs for the rotted floor not included).
Tax Collector doesn’t think that purchasing the electronic car registration
would benefit the town financially at this time. We will be upgrading the
website to include more town information when the new computer
system is installed, a meeting will be held with the webmaster to see
what should be included on the site. Federal mileage reimbursement is
$.565 per mile, we will begin to pay this starting Dec. 12. Thanks to the
Brooklin Garden Club for the lovely wreath on our front door.
OLD BUSINESS: Two new quotes for the computer system were received.
We have until Dec. 26 to decide which of the four quotes are the best for
our requirements. Selectmen will meet with Steve Brown to discuss them
The new lights are installed in the two offices, but there is more to be
done – dimmers for the new lights, a delay light for the handicap parking
area and a light for the far corner of the front parking lot are among the
work left to be finished.
The handicap parking area is done as much as possible for the winter.
NEW BUSINESS: Assistant to ask the budget committee to start meeting
the first Thursday in January for work on the town meeting finances.
reasurer has two bids on the town report and is expecting two more.
Any requests for inclusion in the book must be in the office by January 3,
CEO REPORT: The Planning Board presented the selectmen with some
changes in ordinance language for approval and inclusion in the town
regular meeting on Dec. 26.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.
Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman