Selectmen’s Minutes, April 3, 2014



April 3, 2014


            Opened the meeting with a quorum present.  Selectmen present were:  Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith.  Also present were:  Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Roger Picard, CEO Duane Ford, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Robert Jones, Assistant Barbara Grindle.


            Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.


            Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $67,281.17; school expenses of $55,756.88, general assistance for $800, and salaries for the month accounted for most of the warrant expenses.


            Signed abatements amounting to $199.90 for the tax collector.

            Signed appointment papers for the new year.  Assistant or clerk to call potential appointees.


            OLD BUSINESS;  Haskell Electric done for now.

Town Dock – being worked on right now.

Tax Reassessment – should be done before June.

Cellar walls are being finished and shelves going up.


            NEW BUSINESS:  Picard and Carter discussed tarring roads.  Carter has enough in the road account to prepare the Old County Road for tar.  With the new year in starting in July, funding for the road ($40,000) and the tarring account ($50,000) and the state road subsidy, there should be enough to tar 1½ miles of the Old County Road.  Any shortage to come out of the Road Account.  Moved and seconded that this arrangement be used to tar the Old County Road.  Voted 3-0 for the new year funding for the road account, the tarring account and the state subsidy money be used to tar the Old County Road.

            Moved and seconded to allow the Sedgwick-Brooklin Historical Society to use the Town House for the month of July for an exhibit of photos  Voted 3-0 to allow the Historical Society to use the Town House for the month of July.

            Motion made by Grindal, seconded by Smith, for selectmen’s pay raise to start as of March 1.  Voted 2-1 (Davis) in favor of the pay raise starting March 1 with the money to come out the administration account.

            CCLT asked that the town separate the homeowners lots and bill them for them.  The town cannot bill the home owner for land he doesn’t own.  The request was faxed to the assessing agent.


            CEO REPORT:  Hancock County Planning Commission has presented a chart showing that Sedgwick has a very high percentage of arsenic in the water. 


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, the motion was made and seconded to adjourn.  Voted all in favor to adjourn at 7:55 pm.


                        Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman