Selectmen’s Meeting November 20, 2014
November 20, 2014
Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith. Also present: Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Pat Gross, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Robert Jones.
Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $12,709.71; Road work was $9,630, fire department bills of $1,209.91, and electricity bills for the fire department, town hours, town office, winter roads and streetlights totaled $428.97.
TREASURER/TAX COLLECTOR/CLERK BUSINESS: Assistant to write authorization letter to change bank signatures.
Harbor Committee discussed colored stickers for moorings and dingys. Selectmen will try to attend the December meeting. Keeping the old stickers that the date can be changed with a magic marker for now.
Authorized treasurer to do whatever she needs to do to get a working scanner and call computer repair people to do whatever needs to be done to fix the tax collector’s computer, and any other problems as well.
Ordered a new officers manual and two supplements for the selectmen.
OLD BUSINESS: Voted to purchase salt damage insurance through Maine Municipal.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business.
CEO REPORT: He has not heard from the Caterpillar Hill Initiative, but understands that they have purchased the property. He will make a personal visit.
Sent a letter to the owners of the Benjamin River Apartments regarding any Emergency Response Plan that they may have.
Signed off on a power pole for a property in the Castine River Estates that has been sold.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Celebrated Jones’ and Smiths’ birthdays (and Grindal’s return from surgery) with cake and cards.
ADJOURN: There being no further business, the motion was made, seconded and voted to adjourn at 6:40 pm.
Victor Smith, Selectman