Selectmen’s Meeting, May 28, 2020



May 28, 2020


Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury (Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan by phone).  Also present:  Assistant Barbara Grindle (CEO Duane Ford, Jerry Wetterskog by phone).


Roll call vote to accept the minutes of the last meeting as amended.


Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $103,540.15;  school $101,511.71, fire protection $212.06, fees $117, clearing M/V $1465.50, administration $113.88, sludge $120.


CEO REPORT:  A camper appeared at Davis Piano, checked the setback according to the ordinance.  A request for a float on the Bagaduce from Graytown Road, will follow up.  The town attorney requested more information on a situation she is researching, sent the information.  Discussed recordkeeping with assessing agent.  Structure on Reach Road is going to be a tiny house with a gray water field, and a Byard Point septic system is ready for inspection.


DISCUSSION ITEMS:  1)  End of fiscal year status – Treasurer sent a rundown on some major accounts; tabled discussion on which account the fire department pump repair should go in until next week to consult with the fire chief; so far, with  just another month to go in the fiscal year all accounts are still in the black.  Clerk to have the town house cleaned for elections.


2)   Flag Pole installed –  Flags are up and flying.  Thank you Lucius!


3)  July election logistics –  Clerk has some ideas about social distancing for the election i.e.  mark the floor, ppe’s, extra wardens at the doors, etc.


Opening the Town Office, decided to wait until June 11 at least to see what restrictions will be.


Speed complaint on Reach Road – Astbury will get the sign out and set.


TRIO demo set for Wednesday, June 3.


Re: bathroom facilities at the Salt Pond Access –  Blue Hill Heritage Trust does not advertise  their portion of the access area as a public area, town will wait to have facility put in until needed.




PUBLIC COMMENTS:  Received a thank you card from Forest Home Cemetery for the veteran maintenance money.  (Assistant verbally thanked town for Pine Grove Cemetery money.)


ADJOURN:  Publicover motioned that we consider adjourning.  Roll call vote 3-0 aye to ‘consider’.  There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn at 6:50 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Grindle, Assistant