Selectmen’s Meeting, July 24, 2014



July 24, 2014


            Opened the meeting and established a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith.  Also present:  Treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Robert Jones, Steve Tobey.


            Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $38,499.77; school expenses were $37,325.40.


            TREASURER, TAX COLLECTOR REPORTS:  Several taxpayers visited and called about the foreclosure letter sent last week.  Arrangements need to be made with the selectmen to pay taxes or they must be auctioned to the highest bidder.


            OLD BUSINESS:  Assistant will be on vacation on the 7th of August, the General Assistance hearing will be held on August 14 instead of the 7th  as planned last week. 

            Robert Starkey would be pleased to serve on the public access committee.  Assistant will call him to notify him of the Aug. 12 meeting.

            Lawyer to draw up the deeds for the exchange of right-of-way at Salt Pond.  Selectmen plan to bring the exchange to the taxpayers at a special town meeting.


            NEW BUSINESS:  The annual meeting of the Friends of Walker Pond  will be held at the Sedgwick Elementary School on August 4 at 7 pm.


            CEO REPORT:  Notice that the bond for the cell tower on Caterpillar Hill has been cancelled.  CEO will check on which bond, which company, and why it has been cancelled.

            Construction has started on the Martin property at Carter Point.

            Mr. Buckley, also on Carter Point, will be doing extensive landscaping. Contractor to contact DEP if it becomes necessary during the work.

            Checking into a dock and float on Bagaduce Lane.

            Keeping busy with calls, visits and classes


PUBLIC COMMENTS:  Jones mentioned that he had been down to the Walker Pond access, and children were swimming under the sign that said no swimming, launch area.  Adults were supervising them.  If children swim in the launching area they could be in danger from boats.  Please keep them in the designated swimming area. 


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 pm.


                                    Victor Smith, Selectman

NOTICE:  There will be no selectmen’s meeting on August 7.