Planning Board Minutes, July 10, 2007

Planning Board, Jul. 10

Members of the Planning Board present were Chairman Palmer Little, Alt. Jim Wood, David Webb, Victor Smith, John Allen, Sylvia Wardwell, Secretary.  Others present were Sam Woodward, Mike Hewes, Jim Patterson, Chris and Deb Raphael, Bill Hanley, Sophia Land, Mike and Kim Granger, Selectmen Nelson Grindal, Tom O'Connor, and Bette Britt from the Weekly Packet.
   Map 2, Lot 13 – Sam Woodward and Mrs Land asked for a 3% variance for the roofline in the application presented last month. The application and variance were approved contingent upon receipt of a permit by rule. The permit was issued and a fee of $25 was paid. The CEO will inspect the premises at his discretion.
    Map 6, Lot 28 – Mike Hewes presented an application for a house. He also presented the septic design. The application was accepted and given to the CEO for inspection.
    Map 6, Lot 40-4-Mike Granger for in for answers to some questions, ie, how long is a permit good for? (1 year), how much of the house needs to be done for a 'substantial start' during that year?(approximately 1/3), are there any changes due in the 75' setback on the Bagaduce River?(only if the state makes some), if a foundation is in, and the setback is changed, is the foundation grandfathered?(probably).
    Map 1, Lot 36-Parnell Ide-the application was approved and the paperwork has been misplaced. Do members of the board remember the approval? Several did.
    Map 2, Lot 2-Larson-Town lawyer James Patterson was introduced and copies of his letter to the chairman of the Planning Board were passed out. The Board has two choices to make concerning last month's denial of the appeals board decision. (1) Does the board want to reconsider the vote of last month, and (2) does this board wish to file an appeal in court against the Appeals Board. Victor Smith made a motion to not appeal the appeals board decision. Agreement was unanimous. Victor Smith then made a motion to go into executive session with Mr Patterson. David Webb seconded the motion. When they returned from executive session, Palmer Little made a motion to reconsider the Planning Board's original vote to deny the Larson application with certain conditions to be met. Victor Smith seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted unanimously to sign the permit. A fee of $25 was paid.
The conditions accompanying the permit were: (1) DEP and Natural Resources permits to be obtained (2) the CEO is to be involved completely, (3) they must comply completely with the town floodplain ordinance, and (4) the work must be exactly what is specified in the application.
Two policies were made at the meeting
(1) If an applicant brings a lawyer into a meeting, the Planning Board doesn't proceed without calling in the town lawyer;
(2) When applications are made by a representative of the landowner, that representative must have the power to make decisions without conferring with the landowner.