Planning Board Minutes, April 14, 2015



April 14, 2015


            Opened the meeting and established a quorum present.  Board members present:  Richard Duffy, Peter Neill, Robert Jones, Peter Atherton.  Also present:  CEO Duane Ford, Secretary Barbara Grindle.


            Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.


            NEW BUSINESS:  There was no new business.


            OLD BUSINESS:  Discussed changes to the comprehensive plan.  Most of the changes would be updating data.  Maybe get Hancock County Planning Committee (HCPC) to do the updating?  CEO reported that since changes would be minor, HCPC was not concerned about having it rewritten at present as they do not consider Sedgwick open to zoning.

            Neill also discussed business potential in the Route 15 area, especially along the corridor around Caterpillar Hill and the fire substation.  The Planning Board needs to be aware of the type of business that this area could support.  For example, there is a flat, open area that could support several small shops -would that be an area to encourage in-house retail and manufacturing, or would that be developed into a large manufacturing plant.  What type of business do we want to encourage?


            CEO REPORT:  CEO has been reviewing the language in the site review plan.  Many of the words need to be more explicit.  He will have some suggestions for the next meeting.

            He will be attending online classes regarding the new Shoreland Zoning Ordinance put out by the state.  We may need to review and put together a new ordinance.  It was moved by Peter Neill, seconded by Robert Jones to consider a moratorium on applications while reviewing and discussing changes, and getting information regarding the new ordinance.  Voted 3-0-1 (Atherton abstained).

            Caterpillar Hill Initiative (CHI) has laid out 12 6x6x24 beams on their theater ground according to Jones, who had visited the site.  There still has been no application for a permit.  Ford has talked with Dylan Howard, president of CHI, and he has acknowledged receipt of the letter sent by Ford.  Neill suggested that the letter be sent again, this time certified with return receipt, to complete the paper trail in case one should be needed.  Ford will check the site and if necessary he will go to the selectmen and ask them to OK a stop work order until a permit is issued.


            ADJOURN:  There being no further business, the motion was made to adjourn at 8:35 pm.


                                    Barbara Grindle, Secretary