Selectmen’s Meeting, June 28, 2018

June 28, 2018

Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle.

Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting with one amendment (re-phrased the marijuana paragraph). Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to approve the minutes with the required amendment.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $151,288.69; motor vehicle clearing and fees $1,687.73, plumbing $740, sludge $120, school expenses $145,960.25, town dock $300, administration $213.54, fire department $2,046.97 and general assistance $220.

NEW BUSINESS: Set the selected tax rate at 0.012100 mil with an overlay of $18,791.98. The current mill rate is 0.011650.
Horace Wardwell asked about getting non-potable water from Walker Pond. The selectmen will take the issue to the joint board meeting.
Sheahan was part of the Walker Pond Watershed survey Wednesday. They found a few erosion issues that need to be addressed. An alternate swimming spot was checked and determined that it is not an alternative because it is much too steep. The float and gangway will be in the water shortly.

OLD BUSINESS: Checking with MMA regarding a possible lien and foreclosure issue.
PERC/MRC meeting last Tuesday. The issue seems to be a series of errors with the landfill committee decisions. Discussed meeting with Brooklin to talk with Penobscot and Orland to see what their process for disposal is and the costs involved.

ASSISTANT’S STUFF: Public Access Committee met with only three present. Will try to set up another meeting outside of business hours.
Assistant will be on vacation from July 9 to July 15. Back in the office at 1 p.m. Monday the 16th.

CEO REPORT: no report

ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant