Selectmen’s Meeting December 6, 2012



December 6, 2012

 Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith

 Also present:  CEO Edward Michaels, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Edward Schneider

 1)         Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.

 2)         Signed treasurer’s warrant for $13,600.35;  payroll for staff and officers was $4891.70, plumbing for the Walker Pond Access was $145 (the outhouse for the access has been approved!).

 3)         Voted on and signed the contract with the Small Animal Clinic for the next year.

 4)         One resident was in for general assistance.

 5)         A question was directed to the selectmen on hunting on town property.  There are no restrictions on doing so. 

 6)         Mr.  Schneider has been attending budget meetings of the school board and is concerned that we may have another rise in the school budget.  Last year was a large increase (to $1.9 million) and he is afraid that another raise will happen this year.  There needs to be some control over the budget especially with a possible reduction in students.

 7)         Mr. Schneider also commented that the road to Blue Hill (Rt. 172) is so bad that it is virtually unusable.

 8)         Moved, seconded and voted to accept the estimate from Pioneer Print for printing of the Town Reports.

 9)         Assistant to call about electrical work at the Town Office.

 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.

                        Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman