Planning Board Minutes, May 13, 2014



May 13, 2014


Chairman John Allen opened the meeting at 7 pm with a quorum present.  Planning Board members present were Michael Rossney, Peter Atherton, Richard Duffy, John Allen.  Others present were CEO Duane Ford, Robert Jones, Selectmen Victor Smith and Nelson Grindal, Assistant to the Selectmen and Secretary of the Planning Board Barbara Grindle.


The minutes were accepted as written.


There was no new business.


Old Business:  Discussed the email address and how to set them up at home.


The Grayfield Subdivision was discussed at length.  A request was made last June to remove the property from subdivision status and put it back into one large lot.  At the time, the owner of the property was not present; a phone call gave permission for her mother to act as her agent.  The Planning  Board determined that there didn’t look like there was any problem with the removal as soon as the paperwork to satisfy the Registry of Deeds work was done.  That paperwork has not been done.  At this time the owner of the Grayfield Subdivision will need to resurvey the subdivision to determine the proper boundaries and provide the planning board with a mylar map to sign for the Registry of Deeds.  It can then be withdrawn from subdivision status and registered.


CEO Report:  The draft of the new Shoreland Zoning regulations from the state are ready.  Copies will be emailed to the members of the board.

There are several changes being made to Nichols Day Camp including new changing rooms for the campers.  One major change is that there is no public swimming time.  It is being recommended that swimmers use the Walker Pond access.


There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.


            Barbara Grindle, Secretary