Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Dec. 2, 2008

Town of Sedgwick Maine

Selectmen’s Meeting

December 2, 2008  Tuesday  3:30PM   

Selectmen Present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants:  Access committee members:  Emily Webb, Diane Kornmeir, Barbara Grindle, Neil Davis and Basil Bowden.  Also Road Commissioner, Paul Carter. 

  1. Approved the minutes of the November 25, 2008 selectmen’s meeting.


  1. Access committee members reviewed a copy of the Joint Exercise of Powers agreement between the towns of Sedgwick and Brooksville.  This document will govern the development of the property on Walker Pond which is being jointly developed by the two towns.


  1. Selectmen voted to set January 16, 2009 as the cut off date to accept request for donations for the 2009 warrant.


  1. Road Commissioner Carter discussed road work that he would like to complete before snow starts.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10PM  

Respectfully submitted,   

Tom O'Connor