Selectmen’s Minutes Thurs., Feb. 26, 2009



Thursday, Feb. 26, 2009


Selectmen present:  Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger. 


Also present Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Packet reporter Faith DeAmbrose, Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly, and Assistant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle.


1)      The Road Commissioner discussed cutting trees beside the roads, especially on the Old County Road where the trees overhang the road and keep the sun from melting the snow.


2)      Received a letter from Belinda Poole, representative from Time Warner Cable.

Unfortunately they are committed to the ‘projects budgeted for and do not have the resources available to invest in further expansion at this time.’


3)      DOT has warned us that the Stimulus Package coming to the state needs to have ‘shovel-ready’ projects.  The selectmen will have a list of projects ready when the paperwork comes in.


4)      Accepted minutes of the last meeting.


5)      The warrant totaled $26,579.99, including a payment to the Town of Blue Hill for the transfer station of $23,741.50.


6)      Town Meeting will be held at the Town House on Friday, Mar. 6, 1-6 pm and Saturday Mar. 7, starting at 9 am.


7)      The School Referendum vote is Mar. 13 from 1 pm – 6 pm.


8)      Reminder that Town Reports are at the Town Office, ECS and C&G for pick up.


  Respectfully submitted,   Barbara Grindle, Assistant