Selectmen’s Minutes, July 21, 2022

July 21, 2022

Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Colby Pert, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Bailey Bowden, Maura Tillotson, Arianna Smorawski, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone Jerry Wetterskog).

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant.

Out of Order: Bowden discussed fish passages on the Bagaduce River.
Tillotson mentioned t5hat there are three telephone poles by the roadside on Rt. 175 connected to the solar installation that are visible from the Caterpillar Hill scenic turnout.

CEO REPORT: Discussing the site visit to the prospective subdivision on Frank’s Flat; the Planning Board members need to be available on August 2 at 4 p.m.for the visit; the graywater system at the parsonage building in the village needs to be hooked into the leechfield before being sold; helping town clerk make timely changes to the shoreland zoning ordinance to the state; doing plumbing inspections; and looking into the paperwork on the changes done to Baptism Beach.

DISCUSSION ITEMS: 2) Roaring Lion Liquor License Renewal: Smorawski had the paperwork for the renewal. Having not heard any complaints, selectmen moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to sign the renewal papers.
3) Concert at Town House: Having not heard from anyone will wait until contacted.
4) Town Resolution for Community Resilience Partnership: Looking the resolution over to see if any changes can be made. Take it up next week.
5) Unresolved Business: a) Sheahan will call White Signs for signage for Ferry Landing Access.
b) ads are out for the snowplow bids, will open the bids next week at 6 p.m.; will interview applicants and make the final decision on August 4. c) At the meeting of the Peninsula League of Towns, discussed the Island Nursing Home and its future, well attended meeting of boards; they have gotten a year’s extension of their licenses. Hoping to have monthly meetings with the INH board. d) Transfer Station draft agreement has been sent to the towns, suggestions are being made. e) Astbury will have a discussion regarding snowplowing salt and sand purchasing with the Road Commissioner.

ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant