Selectmen’s Minutes. July 20, 2017

July 20, 2017

Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Michael Sheahan. Also present: School chairman Susan Ford, Superintendent Chris Elkington, Christine diPretoro, CEO Duane Ford, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Assistant Barbara Grindle.

Moved, seconded and voted 2-0 to dispense with reading the minutes of the last meeting and accept them as written.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $82,500.62; education costs for $67,423.03, fire department bills for $1,016.50, Emera bills (including fire department) $400.53, road work $6,135, Walker Pond $650, general assistance $160.94.

NEW BUSINESS: CEO will check on the activity on the old landfill site.
Superintendent updated the Board on school business and new hires.
Signed a liquor permit for Mariners Pub owner Darrell Brown.
Robert Jones has resigned as Chairman of the Planning Board, as he is moving from town.

OLD BUSINESS: New deed written, being recorded at the Registry. Selectmen will check the site and wait for the copy from the Registry before Road Commissioner starts work on the road. Heritage Trust will be mowing their portion, may mow ours also. Ticks are extremely plentiful!
Sheahan has rewritten the draft marijuana ordinance changes according to MMA’s suggestions. They will review the rewrite before any special town meeting. May need to move the special meeting to August 24.
diPretoro updated the Board on conditions at the Carter Point Access regarding erosion. It seems to be repairing itself. Asked that snow not be plowed all the way down to the landing, and suggested that the triangle at the Sargentville end of Steamboat Wharf Road be weedwacked for visibility when entering the highway.
Assistant will do the Local Road Assistance Program figures.

CEO REPORT: Septic permits given for a lot on Acadia Oakes subdivision. Determined that a variance for the well is not applicable. Doing paperwork for power poles, telephones, and septic systems. Checking for the 75’ line at the Salt Pond property. Uneven terrain complicates measurements.


ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted 2-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant