Selectmen’s Minutes, December 3, 2020

December 3, 2020
Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Jeffrey Roth, Jerry Wetterskog, Christine diPretoro).
One change in the minutes as written, moved, seconded and roll call voted 3-0 to approve the minutes as amended.
Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $70,291.45; transfer station $28,476.75, snow $33,000, sludge $180, administration salaries and taxes $14,408/.53, misc. $252.50, clearing $54, fire protection $666.67, fees $3.
CEO REPORT: A landowner on Carter Point is replacing and replanting trees, another concerned with stump grinding and both worried about erosion on the shore, information provided to them, a real estate agent wanted information about shoreland setbacks and requirements, several permits out for decks, also communication with a shoreland owner regarding solar panels for his home, potential buyer requesting septic plan for a property, given the state website address.
FIRE CHIEF UPDATE: Discussed possible problems regarding the Island Nursing Home COVID with Stonington and Deer Isle fire departments, joining with them for purchase of turn out-gear, class of firefighter 2 need to do fire training with another town, need permission to do with Covid precautions – Selectmen see no problem if guidelines are followed, there are 3 students and there may be no cost, or cost covered by a grant, probably should travel separately to the class. May not have regular meetings for a while, not much going on lately and will do minimum training.
DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1) Budget Committee – time to get the committee activated. Astbury will help set them up with the telecommunication system. Approved 3-0.
2) COVID-19 Updates – The Island Nursing Home has been hit hard and there is potential for more, not only there but in other businesses. Sheahan-time to buckle down and follow guidelines, Publicover agreed. The Planning Board which is scheduled to meet probably should meet remotely, chief David, planning board secretary agreed, he will communicate with the chairman of the board.
3) Town meeting/Election discussion – Sheahan has discussed with school superintendent, getting the audit done asap. Referendum option – difficult to meet the deadline, especially the audits, may need to postpone the meeting. The school is trying to hold the budget line this year; they may have to use last year’s figures.
4) Any Unresolved Business – Thank you to Jerry and Alison Wetterskog for the television.
The speed trailer has been taken down and stored for the winter.
Blue Hill/Surry Transfer Station meeting attended by representatives from Brooklin, Brooksville and Sedgwick. Discussed the formula for billing each town. Will discuss again at the Dec. 9 meeting.
Reminder: Dec. 8 the three town representatives will meet. Meeting of the Walker Pond Landing Committee on Dec. 10.
MMA insurance denied Walker Pond damages, we have a $1,000 deductable, damages were $250.
ACTION ITEMS: A referendum type town meeting requires public hearings so people can ask questions regarding the warrant articles. The need for getting the information to the taxpayers is vital for this type of town meeting. Possible advertising ideas needed.
ASSISTANT’S REPORT: General Assistance newsletter available with COVID regulations. Will leave for selectmen to read. ALL general assistance will be done by USPS, the office is closed. Application requests will be received by phone (359-2275), applications will be sent out, when received they will be processed and vouchers and/or approvals will be returned by mail.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Wetterskog appreciate the fire chief and the department for what they do in Sedgwick and the Blue Hill peninsula.
ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Barbara Grindle, Assistant