Selectmen’s Minutes April 11, 2024

Town of Sedgwick

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

Thursday April 11th 2024


Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford and C. Pert present. Also, in attendance; D. Ford; D. Carter; and L. Dow for B. Grindle. J. Wetterskog from the public.

Read and approve minutes from April 4th meeting- No minutes to review


Duane went to Susan Schnieders property on Cedar Lane to observe the recent shoreline damage and discussed the D.E.P paperwork process. Duane discussed with Eider Lane shorefront property owner a potential buyer, and they reported that they may sell without dealing with existing issues. Also took a call from Rebecca Knowlton about putting gin a new large deck on her Reach Road residence, he will follow up to see that has a building notification form. Duane received a call from a Solar/heating company about installing to energy heat pumps at an Acadian Oak residence. Caleb of Deer Isle, run the campground there and inquired about putting in one at the Tasha’s property on Caterpillar Hill. Duane told him that most importantly would be to start with the septic system solutions. Brian Charboneau called to state that he was about to start digging at 144 Byard’s Point. Duane also spoke with Susan German Zec about having someone look at downed trees on her property at 125 Rope Ferry Road- he told her he would take a look as soon as the rain stopped. Darrell Brown’s and the Sturdevant cottage were separately looked at, at the end of Cooper Farm Road.



David reported that the FD received most of the AFG rant for equipment and most of the documentation has been submitted for payment. Cindy will watch the bank as the payments come direct deposit. He did mention that the FD will have to come up with the match for $4,000.00 for the grant. David asked the board if they had seen a bill from the DOT for the use of the diesel pumps., they have been fueling the firetrucks there and haven’t seen any invoices. Ben Astbury had initially set this up and Susan will follow up with him to ask about this. The new solar farm is online, and David wondered if the town was tied in yet and receiving their portion of the electric for free. The FD will be forming a truck committee to work Deer Isle’s committee to order a new firetruck. They are about a three year wait period- they will get a better deal if they order with another town (multiple trucks at once).



Pursuant to 1 M.R.S section 405(6)(C)- Real Property- Tabled until next week. Lyndsey will call involved parties and ask them to attend.

Pursuant to 1 M.R.S section 405(6)(A)- Personnel Matter- Entered 6:21pm. Exited 6:25pm. No action taken.



  1. Town dock repair & tide heights- The board began to discuss thinking about the town dock replacement/repair due to the higher tide and recent weather damage. The board will contact Andrew McCullough to get a timeline on the engineering.
  2. Audit Report- Cindy should be taking the final documents to Wadman’s office on Monday 4/15/2024.



The Penobscot Select Board has invited the surrounding towns boards to a Solid Waste meeting at the Penobscot Community School at 4pm on 4/12/ Colby will attend on behalf of Sedgwick. Lyndsey will forward him the agenda. Cindy received a call from a nonprofit for funding- she let them know they had missed the deadline.



Barbara is doing well, undergoing many surgeries ad will be hospitalized for the foreseeable future.



Motion and 2nd to adjourn- 2-0 approved at 6:41pm.



Respectfully Submitted,

Lyndsey Dow