Selectmen’s meeting, July 9, 2020

July 9, 2020
Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury (Office), Michael Sheahan, Bob Publicover (via conference call). Also present: Duane Ford (Office), Clerk/Treasurer Cindy Reilly (Office), Tax Collector Elizabeth Gray (Office), Hayden Torrey and Jerry Wetterskog (via conference call).
Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 (by roll call) to approve the minutes of the July 2 meeting as written.
Reviewed and signed treasurer’s warrant for $143,646.85, part of which $137,627.67 was for school and $4,972.07 for M/V clearing.
CEO REPORT: Dealing with the normal everyday requests for inspections, paperwork, etc. CEO Ford to meet with Hayden Torrey on 7-10-20 for a site visit and to discuss pending renewal.
1. TNT Auto Salvage renewal: CEO and Hayden Torrey set up on-site meeting for 7-10-20. Will remain on agenda for selectmen’s meeting 7-16-20.
2. Special town meeting: Selectmen discussed the need for a special town meeting. Some nearby towns are holding their town meetings in various forms in the coming weeks. Will re-assess and hope to hold a special meeting of sorts sometime in September, dependent of course on restrictions at that time.
3. Primary election 07-14: Discussed upcoming primary election. Clerk reported precautions and protective measures are in place. Clerk also reported a large number of voters thus far have voted by absentee.
Discussed updates to COVID-19 and current procedures in place. Current procedures will remain in place until further notice.
Tax Bills have been sent out.
REMINDERS: Borrego Solar on the agenda for 7-16 meeting.
1. TNT Auto Salvage renewal- Decision tabled until CEO and Hayden Torrey have met.
ASSISTANTS REPORT: No report- selectmen’s assistant on vacation until 7-18-20.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion made and seconded to adjourn. Voted 3-0 (by roll call) to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted by Ben Astbury, chairman.