Selectmen’s Meeting, January 21, 2021



January 21, 2021

Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan.  Also present:  Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Fire Chief David Carter, Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Kate Tompkins, John Higgins, Peter Neill, Andy Bowes, Ciona Ulbrich.

There being no errors or omissions in the records of the last meeting, moved, seconded and roll call voted 3-0 to approve the minutes of the last meeting as written.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $110,371.68; fees $128, clearing/mv $1388.50, administration $9.80, education $108,845.38.

CEO REPORT:  permits for a new garage; real estate question re a lot in a W. Sedgwick subdivision; several questioners about a possible subdivision on a farm property on Carter Point Rd, still very busy.

FIRE CHIEF UPDATE:  starting vaccinations, some close calls with Covid-19, going to meet remotely for a while.  Conversations starting with 4 Guys, the company that built our new fire truck, submitting a grant, fortunately have few calls so far this winter.

DISCUSSION ITEMS:  1)  MCHT update – Snow’s Brook Culvert, Walker Pond Outlet –  Walker Pond Outlet:  Worked on the access for about 8 weeks, next week will be doing signage so everything nearly done.  Have made a video with Fire Chief Dow and Carter for viewing when possible.  Now have good parking for the fire trucks to water up, dam is stabilized and improved fish access.  Maine Coast Heritage Trust will be offering the property to the towns of Brooksville and Sedgwick.  A public hearing will be held before the towns ask the people to accept the gift.

Snow’s Brook Outlet – This is the alewife project.  There will be a large, box culvert replacing the round one on the brook for access to the brook.  The landowners on all sides have signed permission and those have been recorded, most of the permits have been acquired except DEP and the town.  Funding has been received from DOT and 2 grants so there will be no cost to the town.  The bid package will be going out to be opened Feb. 15.  Permission has been given for the road to be closed and detoured for 28 days from July 15 to October 1; it will not be closed for Labor Day traffic.  Many thanks from all to Ciona Ulbrich for all of the incredible work she has done coordinating and working on this project.

2)  Moratorium Request/Discussion:  The Planning Board, represented by Peter Neill and Andy Bowes, explained that they would like to have a 180 day moratorium on commercial solar farms and short term rentals.  Discussion on the meaning of some of the terms used, selectmen will check with MMA for existing forms for commercial solar farms; planning board asked to look over the site plan review ordinance to see if it would be possible to amend it to include new commercial structures to be used for industrial development to scale and short term rentals.

ANY UNRESOLVED BUSINESS:  The question of where to hold the town meeting elections on March 5.  Moved, seconded and roll call voted 3-0 to hold the election at the fire house on the Ridge Road as was done for the National elections.


ASSISTANT’S REPORT:  Most reports are in, budget committee has all requests and now waiting for the school and selectmen and their budgets.  Town Report going well.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, moved, seconded and roll call voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Grindle, Assistant