Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., 1/4/2007

Town of Sedgwick Maine

Selectmen’s Meeting

January 4, 2007

Thursday  6:30PM   

Selectmen present:  Nelson Grindal, Charlie Wiggins and Tom O'Connor. Other participants:  Fire Chief David Carter, Adm. Asst. Barbara Grindle and Town Clerk Cindy Reilly. 

  1. Selectmen approved the minutes of the January 2, 2007 meeting.


  1. Chief Carter discussed long term equipment needs of the fire department.  He also stated that he has the 07/08 budget ready to present to the budget committee.


  1. Selectmen voted 3 to 0 to increase the salary of the registrar of voters from $500 to $1,000.  The increase is due to the additional time needed to manage the new state voter registration system.


  1. Approved the treasurer’s warrant (#27) in the amount of $21,416.00.

 The meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM                                                             Respectfully submitted,                                                             

Tom O'Connor                                                         

Third Selectman