Selectmen’s Minutes, Febuary 27, 2014



February 27, 2014


Opened the meeting at 6 pm and established a quorum.  Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith.  Also present:  Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Packet reporter Bette Britt, CEO Duane Ford, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Randy Astbury, Robert Jones, Dennis Desilvey, and three representatives from the Community Land Trust on Covenant Way.


Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.


Signed the Treasurer’s warrant for $34394.54; $5,786.45 for more road salt, and winter road contractors Webb’s Excavating $12,600 and Paul Carter $10,000, general assistance for $1,040.


OLD BUSINESS:  Grindal made a motion to purchase two emergency lights, one for each office, seconded by Davis, voted 3 – 0 to purchase two emergency lights to replace the malfunctioning ones.

Dr. Desilvey is working on a grant for the town dock.  Grindal will draft plans and get some figures to him so he can send the letter of intent.  The town will need to match the grant funds. The sequence of work is: 1 – Drawing – Grindal, 2 – prices – Grindal, 3 – letter of intent –  Desilvey, 4) matching money from the town.   

The railing is done on the cellar stairs.

Town reports are in.  They may be picked up at C & G Grocers, Eggemoggin Country Store, Millbrook Company, the Town Office and at the Town House on town meeting days, Friday, March 7 and Saturday, March 8.

The motion was made and seconded to not sign the petition to use the windfall money for LIHEAP funding.  The vote was 2 – 0, Grindal recused because of a conflict of interest.  He is a member of the county budget committee.

Plans are going ahead for the retirement party on March 11.  Anyone wishing to honor our retiring Sylvia, and retired David, Jim and Palmer is welcome to attend.


NEW BUSINESS:  The representatives from CCLT discussed how to get the homeowners to pay their own house taxes while the Land Trust pays the land taxes.  They were advised to check with the assessing agent to see what requirements would be needed to accomplish this and return to discuss them with the selectmen.

Signed the ordinances with the proposed changes for posting.


CEO REPORT:  CEO is attending a milfoil training session tomorrow (Friday, Feb. 28) morning.  He attended a Deer Isle Planning Board session last week in which Stephanie MacLagan of DEP and a forester presented very informative programs.  He is also compiling paperwork for the new owners of the Caterpillar Hill cell tower.


There being no further business, the motion was made and seconded to adjourn.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm


                        Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman