Selectmen’s Minutes October 30, 2014



October 30, 2014


            Opened the meeting and established a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith.  Also present:  Tax Collector Pat Gross, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Duane Ford, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Robert Jones.


            Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.


            Signed the treasurer’s warrants for October 23 and October 30.  The first payments for the snow contractors, Webb Excavating for $13,230 and Paul Carter for $20,000 were paid on the 23rde warrant, a school payment for $53,192.77 and the audit payment for recommitment of $1,721.50 were paid on the 30th.


            OLD BUSINESS:  Road Commissioner is working on the turnaround on Pertville Road, he has fixed the town office driveway.

            Caterpillar Hill Initiative is under discussion. CEO will write a letter to them re3commending that they come in to see the Planning Board.

            The Animal Control Officer should call the sheriff’s department if there is a dog out of control and she cannot handle it herself.  She is free to do that at any time she feels the need to do so.


            NEW BUSINESS:  A call was received from a taxpayer and it was referred to the assessing agent.

            The markers at Walker Pond will be put up by Allen & Bowden within the next few weeks.

            The mileage rate for town business was raised from 55.5 cents per mile to 56 ce3nts per mile to reflect the state rates.  Selectmen moved, seconde4d and voted 3-0 to do so, effective immediately.


            CEO REPORT:  Working on the fee schedule with the planning board.

            Salt Pond question was referred to DEP.  The new construction is not grandfathered so the owner needs to put the wheels back under the camper and move it for the winter.  Then he may move it back for the permissible 120 days during the summer.  To leave it more than 120 days, he must have a permit and it must be more than 250 feet back from the water.


            ADJOURN:  Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn this meeting at 7:15 pm.


                                                Victor Smith, Selectman