Selectmen’s Minutes, March 6, 2014



March 6, 2014




Opened the meeting and established a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith.  Also present:  CEO Duane Ford, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Robert Jones, Jeffrey Bouchholz, Assistant Barbara Grindle.


Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.


Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $114,747.68; including $24,907.25 for the transfer station, $82342.24 for education and $798.90 for the town reports.


OLD BUSINESS:  Haskell Electric has fixed the GFI plugs and installed the two new emergency lights.

            Progress is being made on the town dock. 

            The reassessment is still in the sales analysis stage.

            Cellar work:  Grindal will get lights put up and get the protective tubes from Haskell before the carpentry work is done around the furnaces.


NEW BUSINESS:         The retirement party is next Tuesday at 7 pm.  Everyone is welcome to join us for cake and coffee.


CEO REPORT:  Visited the dock with engineer Andy McCullough.  Grindal’s drawings and Smith’s photos will be examined and work can start on the grant process.  The ramp work is to be a separate job as it may need to be examined by the Army Corp of Engineers.

                        Forester Jake Meier will walk the Walker Pond lot with CEO.

            Motion made by Grindal to have CEO get in touch with the State Forestry Department to come down to give a talk on the proper way to handle cutting in the shoreland zone.  Voted 3-0 in favor.


There being no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 pm.


                                    Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman