Selectmen’s Minutes, August 4, 2016

August 4, 2016

Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present at 6:10 p.m.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury, Neil Davis, Colby Pert.  Also present:  Bob Publicover, Tax Collector Elizabeth Gray, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle.

Read the minutes of the last meeting.  Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adopt the minutes as written.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $96,591.45; salary costs of $9,495.19, including FICA, school expenses of $82,008.81, and mowing lawns $280 accounted for most of the expenses.

OLD BUSINESS:  Strong Brewery permit was signed after review and voting 3-0 to accept.

Discussed mowing of the old landfill and the town office field.  Moved and seconded to have Jeff Hamilton mow the landfill, TJW to mow field behind town office. Voted 3-0 to have Hamilton and Woodward mow.  Davis will ask them.

Moved and voted to have Assistant call Jon Woodward to see if he will do some small maintenance repairs at the town office.

Town Dock project bid deadline is August 18.  CEO has heard from one contractor, some interest coming in for the project.

NEW BUSINESS:  Snacks at the elementary school.  Tax Collector presented a letter explaining the need for snacks at the school for children without the means to provide their own.  She had heard from several parents of this need.  Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to allow her to coordinate the effort to help.  Her letter was given to CEO to give to School Board Chairman for her information, assistant will ask church for donations also.

Selectmen Davis will notify Engineer McCullough regarding the permit renewal for the Walker Pond access road to the landing.

Selectmen discussed recent animal control issue in town and the need for objective awareness of the program and possible options for ACO help in the future.  Discussed Sheriff Kane’s offer made at town meeting.  Astbury will discuss with the sheriff and see if a meeting can be arranged  to discuss a program.

CEO REPORT:  Ford discussed legal issues at the town landing.  Planning Board has a meeting next week and there may be business to be conducted.  A project on Astbury Lane, assisting townspeople with paperwork and submissions in several areas of town.

ADJOURN:  There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Ben Astbury, 3rd Selectman