Selectmen’s Meeting, February 17, 2011




February 17, 2011


Selectmen present:  Nelson Grindal, Colby Pert, Victor Smith


Also present:  Assistant Barbara Grindle


1)         Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.


2)         Signed the Treasurer’s Warrant for $79,773.37; school expenses were $68,792.66.


3)         Efficiency Maine grant for the ceiling in the town office needs to be addressed. 


4)         We have received the warrant articles for the Walker Pond property division.  They were not received in time for the town report, so there will need to be a special town meeting held to pass them.


5)         Town Report books will be available after pick-up on Friday, Feb. 18.   They will be available at ECS, C&G and the town office as well as at town meeting on March 4 and 5.


6)         Grindal to check the snow removal contracts with Paul Carter and David Webb, who have agreed to split the snow removal on town roads for the winter of 2011-2012.


7)         Assistant Grindle will be out of town on Friday, Feb. 17.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:14.


                        Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman