Planning Board, Tues., March 11, 2008

Planning Board Minutes, March 11, 2008


The Sedgwick Planning Board met at the Sedgwick Town Office at 7 pm on March 11, 2008.  Present were Chairman Palmer Little, Planning Board members Sylvia Wardwell, Secretary, David Webb, John Allen, Victor Smith and Alternate James Wood.  Also present were Selectmen Nelson Grindal, and Tom O’Connor, CEO Duane Ford and Selectmen’s Assistant Barbara Grindle.

            The meeting was brought to order at 7 pm.

            Chairman Little passed out copies of the new Shoreland Zoning Ordinance that was passed at Town Meeting March 8.  He reminded the board members that the applications already before the board will be judged by the old ordinance.

            Map 5, Lot 101 – Linwood and Betty Roy must get a DEP permit for their road because it is close to the brook; they might need one for the house from the Planning Board.  David is building the road and assured the members that the house is more than 250 feet from the stream and that there will be a permit for the road because it follows the brook for a distance.

            Map 8, Lot 52-3 – CEO has inspected the Lepper property and given a permit.

            The new Ordinance is the state version.  (A link has been provided to the Ordinance on our website  There are changes from the old version to be watched out for.  

            The Selectmen updated the Board.  Andrew McCullough, Engineering Consultant, is meeting with them to lay out the road at Walker Pond.  There is going to be a work party to mark the trail and cut blowdowns as soon as the weather clears.  The Planning Board members were invited to come and help.

            The Ojala and Patten projects are also waiting for the spring weather to arrive.

            There being no other business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.

                      Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen