Planning Board Minutes, May 12, 2009


Members present:  Chairman Palmer Little, Secretary Sylvia Wardwell, John Allen, David Webb and Alternate Jim Wood.

Also present:  CEO Duane Ford, Selectman Nelson Grindal, Assstant to the Selectmen Barbara Grindle,  Mr and Mrs Jon Thomas, Ricky Spofford, James Paterson, Gordon Gianninoto, Paul Trowbridge.

     Map 2, Lot 10 – The site visit planned by the Planning Board was done on Friday, May 8 and the owners were present to answer questions.  There were two neighbors present but there were no complaints.  The tower is leased by independent companies and there will be drawings and plans presented as soon as there are leasees signed up.  At that time there will be a public hearing.  Mr Gianninoto will keep the board posted.

     Map 1, Lot 19 – Mr Spofford of Coastal Green Energy submitted maps showing two windmill locations.  There will be 100 ft setbacks on each side of each windmill.  Each tower will be a 265 ft single pole, with a 12 ft base with a hatch door for access to the turbines, the three blades will be 140 ft each.  With the blade up, the total height will be 387 ft in the air.  There will be maintenance six times a year with a 20 year life span.  Mr Spofford reports that he has permits from DEP, and their punch list is about ¾ done.  Bangor Hydro has formulated his lines.  Some of the Planning Board questions are going to be:  checking on tax matters, abandonment clause or a bond set up for clean up if abandoned, clarification of the Bangor Hydro system, fencing to prevent access to the turbines.  Mr Spofford was warned that the Planning Board is going to need to be educated on how the towers work and that there will be many questions for him to answer.  After he educates the Planning Board, he will have to be prepared for more questions at public hearings.  This will be a lengthy project.  They would like to have a letter from the engineers saying that the present test tower meets criteria warranting the wind towers.  

   Map 4, Lot 1-1 – Paul Trowbridge for Snow Cove Sanctuary subdivision had a site visit on April 16.  There will be 12 lots.  There will be access to snowmobile and walking trails on the land given to Blue Heritage Trust down to the Bagaduce River.  He should check with the fire department to make sure the roads are accessible for emergency vehicles.  His road is also too long to satisify the ordinance, so he must make turnouts and then get a variance from the Planning Board.  There will be a public meeting on June 9 at the next Planning Board meeting.

     Map 7, Lot 65-2 – The town has plans for a salt/sand shed on the town land on the Ridge Road. As soon as finances are arranged, the application will be presented to the Planning Board.

     Map 11, Lot 23 – A permit has been issued to Horace and Sylvia Wardwell for a storage shed within the shoreland zoning area.  $25. was paid.

     The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen