Planning Board Minutes, June 14, 2016

14 June 2016
Planning Board Minutes

Members present:  Robert Jones, Victor Smith, Peter Neill, David Carter, Michael Rossney, Peter Atherton and Patricia Egan.

The minutes for May 10th were approved.  Robert Jones noted that there was a quorum and asked if there was any old business.  It was noted that the numerous requests for a Planning Board email address have still received no response from the Select Board.

New Business:  Duane Ford has said there would be a special Town Meeting about the revised Shore Land and Entertainment ordinances.  Duane will inform us by the July meeting.  Mike Rossney asked where we were regarding the rewritten Site Plan Ordinance and Robert Jones explained that the Select Board has yet to approve the revised Ordinance Plan and then it must be approved by the Town at a Special Town Meeting.

Robert Jones mentioned that, according to a board member of the Caterpillar Hill Association that association was close to expiring.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Colling Egan